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I just wanted to take the time to explain the thought process behind the COG Music Project, why it's important to me, and its potential for the future.
There are actually a number of factors that played a role in the creation of this project, but the first was during a rather long commute to church one day. I was going to a different congregation than where I typically go and it got me thinking about how many brethren around the globe have a relatively lengthy car trip to services every week, and a lot of them prefer not to listen to normal radio stations on the sabbath. My car ride was long and quiet, so I began to sing hymns to myself all while wishing there was something appropriate to put on as I drove.
The second realization of the need for this type of thing is probably the greatest need, in my opinion. It was during one of the Spring Holy Day services, and I was sitting in a congregation once again, not my home congregation... I travel pretty frequently. Both morning and afternoon services went by without any special music at all. I think that was the first time I had sat through a holy day without special music, and I was really sad. Of course, someone had played the piano during offertory which was lovely, but even so, it was just kind of sad to not have that extra special portion of services that we're really only treated with a few times a year. I realized that there are so many congregations out there that very rarely, if ever, have special music on holy days. That just makes me sad. It's a very special holy convocation ordained by God, and while the special music portion may be "optional" I know for a fact that it always adds something so special to those days.
While personally flying out to every congregation everywhere was obviously out of the question, I knew I really wanted to do something for God's church as a whole. I had been looking for a way to serve, and God had blessed me with an answer. And so the planning process began. I had no idea how well this would be received, but the project turned out to be very unifying and exciting for a lot of people. I was thrilled to have a few hundred people join the Facebook event page both in support and contribution. I never imagined it would turn out as well as it did, but it became obvious to me very quickly that God's hand was definitely guiding this project along. From the gorgeous donated artwork from Rebecca Keener to every single song that was emailed to me over the past few months and the money that the musicians themselves donated, it has been an incredibly uplifting and gratifying process from beginning to end. I hope to make a new CD every Spring and Fall for years to come to praise God especially during His Holy Days. Please stay tuned for more exciting news regarding the next Church of God Music Project.


How it began...

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