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COG Music Project CD Spring 2014:

"Out of Egypt"



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We would love to continue to provide this service year after year for both the Spring and Fall Holy Day seasons for brethren around the world.


In addition to creating these CDs, we would like to be able to provide this service to shut-in/remote/satelite members, as well as those who are in special need of being uplifted by the musical gifts of their brothers and sisters. Ideally, we would like to be able to do this free of charge. 


Your donations can help us edify, uplift and care for God's family for years to come.

**If you have a special need for this CD (buying for feast baskets, a significant number of shut-in / satelite members, or would like a CD and are in need of financial assistance) please send me an email at and I will do my best to help. 


Out of Egypt: Now Available! 

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